Special squash casserole recipe comes from beautiful homegrown garden squash baked into a delicious savory casserole topped with Piedmont Penny Panko cheese crumbs

Penny Panko Squash Casserole

This recipe comes from the Penny Pal, Townsend Crocker, from Charlotte, NC.
Thank you, Townsend, for sharing a recipe from your kitchen with our community!
Stay Cheesin!
Squash Casserole feat. Penny Panko 
3 ish squash (or zucchini) sliced
1 yellow onion chopped
1 egg
1(ish) TBSP mayo or plain greek yogurt
Grated cheddar cheese (optional)
Salt & pepper to taste
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Steam sliced squash and chopped onion until somewhat tender, transfer to mixing bowl
3. Mix mayo/yogurt with egg, add to steamed squash and mix until coated. Salt & pepper to taste. Optional: Add grated cheddar cheese if preffered
4. Transfer to oiled/greased casserole dish. Top with cheddar cheese and Penny Panko!
5. Bake for 30 minutes
Optional: Broil for 2-4 mins at the end to crisp up the top a little bit extra!
Serve and enjoy! 
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